One day, I was browsing my phone, looking at old pictures and I came across this picture above. If you look closely, there's a teeny tiny rainbow in the sky. I took it a few weeks ago while I was stuck in traffic. When I noticed the rainbow, I remember my mood lighten up that day and now, looking at it has made me realize that appreciating little things like these can really take away all the stress we're feeling. 

We live in a time where stress is the biggest epidemic. There are just so many things going on today that everything just seems to trigger stress like our social, professional, academic, and personal life. The adverse effects of stress will sooner or later take a toll on our body. So what I'm trying to say is aside from time management, avoiding unnecessary stress, and other stress management tips  I think one of the easiest way to take a load off is to appreciate the little things. I mean, stress is something we cannot completely avoid so why not just improve your attitude a bit and learn to take notice of the little things that can make us smile like that rainbow up there which I'm sure God sent to remind me that no matter what I'm going through, He sees me and will always be there to help. 

Always remember Philippians 4:6 which says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 

Have a great month everyone! :)
Two weeks ago, my friend, Rachel, and I decided to hang out since we barely see each other with our busy schedules (yes, I'm busy :D). We decided to meet at Market Market in Fort Bonifacio for some wall climbing fun. We did this before Christmas break last year but we decided to come back, this time I vowed to reach the top. The first time I climbed level 1 wall, I was so confident because it wasn't my first time to climb. Little did I know that this 40ft wall was more tricky than I thought. It had fewer rocks than I expected and smaller one's too. (plus the pre-Christmas weight I gained and no preparatory exercise at all) I failed to reach the top after 2 desperate tries. Rachel, on the other hand, smoothly climbed the levels 2-3 walls. 

Anyway, after exercising twice that week in efforts to build my strength so I could finally climb the top of the level 1 wall, the day finally came. We had lunch at Rachel's favorite place, The Soup Kitchen (they serve the best soup btw). After satisfying out tummies with good, healthy grub, we walked for half an hour to avoid cramps or appendicitis, then off to wall climbing we went. 
Here's our lunch meal. I ordered vegetable soup so that I feel light when I climbed. I gotta reach the top!
Rachel and I after our great feat!
An hour and a half later, Rachel climbed level 2 twice, level 3 once, and level 4 once. While I was able to climb the level 1 wall- TWICE!. Hah! That was already a great achievement for me. What can I say, we all have to do it in our own pace, right?

My point for this post is that we should engage in healthy activity while bonding with friends rather that just eating out, watching a movie, or shopping because not only is it healthy, it's fun and it challenges you. Cheers for good friends and good times! :)

I'd love to hear about your healthy bonding moments with your friends or your suggestions so please do leave a comment below. :)

Information about Wall Climbing at Market Market:
Wall climbing at Market Market is at the top floor. It's in line with the cinemas. 
-One climb with assistance costs 50PhP
-Unlimited climb without assistance (you have to have a partner to belay you) costs 140PhP
-Unlimited climb with assistance costs 200PhP

Late night snack with my cousin during our vacation in Cebu. This was at Vanille in Ayala Terraces. I ordered hot tea with cheese cake.
Lately, I have become obsessed with tea. I have always been a milk drinker but  but the shift was due to the shortage of milk and abundance of tea where I'm staying. Due to the lack of options, I started drinking tea and I love it! At first, I drank the regular Lipton tea and then tried their green tea with Jasmine. I prefer the green tea with jasmine more because of it's lighter taste and aroma. I'm loving tea lattes and bubble milk teas as well since the craze started in the country, bubble teas are popping out everywhere and its hard to resist them.  
Bubble Tea from Tokyo Bubble Tea Restaurant at The Fort, Manila. All I can say about the drink is that the pearls are awesome!
While I tried Tokyo Bubble Tea, my friends stuck to their fave, Serenitea. To the left is Stephanie (check out her photo blog at and in the right is Jarmaine.
Nowadays, I drink hot tea at least twice a day because drinking it makes me feel refreshed every time. It's the first thing I drink in the morning and when I get home from a long day in school and it doesn't fail to pick my mood up with every sip. Tea is known for it's many benefits such as cholesterol reduction, oral health, enhanced cognitive, immunity, and weight management. Although studies have yet to prove it, there are claims that tea reduces risk of certain cancer and cardiovascular disease. Tea also contains negligible amount of calories without  additives such a sugar, milk, cream, and the likes.  Green tea is the healthiest among the others because it undergoes just minimal amount of oxidation which preserves most of the catechins (a flavonoid that attributes the health benefits of tea).  

Drinking tea should be a habit everyone should develop because it has so much health benefits. The more you drink them, the healthier you are unlike those highly sweetened, carbonized drinks. " Two studies found that drinking three or more cups of tea daily is associated with an 11% reduced incidence of myocardial infarction and a 21% reduced risk of ischemic stroke."  
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I love all of Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf's tea lattes. They're all really gooooood.
Anyway, I'd love to hear your comments. Tell me about the best tea you're ever had, your favorite flavor, your favorite tea shop or if you'll ever replace your fave drink for tea. All this talk about tea makes me wanna have some so that's it for now. Anyone up for tea? :)

My Dilemma:
I was inspired to write about this post because we have this parking problem in school that has been going on for about 2 weeks already. This problem is due to the renovation of half the public parking lot in the neighborhood near the school where most of the students and employees of  nearby buildings park therefore everyone around the neighborhood are racing to obtain a space in what is left of the parking area. Because of this dilemma, I was forced to park at the far end of the neighborhood, a 10min walk to school (Thank God I wore flats that day!). While I was walking, instead of contemplating on my parking woes, I figured that this would be a wonderful healthy solution for me.

The Healthy Solution:
There are two solutions to this problem, it is either to wait for quite a while for a car to exit the parking lot (you will most probably wait in line behind other cars) or you can park your car somewhere far and walk. I chose the latter which is the healthier solution. Walking to school and back to my car that day was already a 20min exercise for me, how great is that? Although I do try to exercise regularly, in most days this is could be my only exercise and I'm sure it's the same with a lot of people therefore parking farther is a practical way to work those legs and get them in to shape. 

It's nice to walk because it allows you to enjoy your surroundings, to observe it, and just experience it. It also gives you time to think of the things you need to get done that day or reflect the day's events. Walking keeps your heart healthy, your bones strong, and according to it reduces your risk of diabetes by 58% if you just walk 150mins a week. So next the next time you look for a parking space, look for one that's situated a bit farther than your destination so that you can engage in a short but healthy walk. 

P.S Be sure to park you car some place safe.

P.P.S Please leave a comment! I would love to hear what you have to say :)